November 22, 2011

Driscoll's Strawberries

Just received one pack of Driscoll's Fresh Strawberries from D's parents. My eyes lit up when I saw the sizes of the strawberries! They were really huge and different from the strawberries we usually buy in Baguio or supermarkets here. These were like the perfect strawberries- big, red and fresh, free from bumps. 

I could smell the fragrant aroma of the strawberries upon opening the container.

And the taste?

It was sweet and juicy. No need for sugar, salt, cream or milk.

Thank You D and Family!! :)


  1. Those are HUGE strawberries!!! They look really beautiful too.. Now I'm craving for some.. >.<

  2. You are one lucky gal! Driscoll's are a bit pricey...The coffee's on it's way to you. There's a free drink coupon inside the tumbler..

  3. Those are fine looking strawberries!

  4. @Sumi Go
    I agree! first time to eat these kind of big strawberries :)

  5. @peachkins

    Yey! thanks thanks! :) Excited much!!

  6. i love strawberries too... one of my favorites!!!


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